
Nerd_STF Version 2.3

Nerd_STF version 2.3 has been released! This update adds lots of linear algebra tools, like matrixes and vectors, as well as new number systems, like complex numbers and quaternions.

Nerd_STF is a C# library that runs on .Net 6.0, and contains added structures and classes I feel would help the default C# library package.

It includes math structures as well as other computer science topics. Right now, it is mainly focused on mathematics and graphics, but will branch out in the future. It currently contains alternative vector types, colors, and shape objects that are rich in implementation.

Find the repository here on GitHub,
and the package here on Nuget.

Arcade Maniac

Arcade Maniac is going to be a game based in an Arcade. There are going to be 20 games, all of which a different genre. You must complete at least 12 games to partial completion (slightly different per game) to beat it, but you get to choose which games to beat, or even choose to beat all of them. Each game has a partial completion split, but you can complete them to 100% if you'd like. This game will be free, but I will gladly accept donations!

Find more information on the website, check out the Itch page, or find the GitHub repository!

Want to hire me?

I am not up for full-time jobs yet, unfortunately for some, but I may be available for part-time software development internships for those who are interested. Send me an email at! You can also check my About Me for more information.

Something new is coming...

Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about Brigade Laboratories. Stay tuned, more is coming.

See the first teaser here on Youtube.